Clean Your Mind with Ho'oponopono

To help your journey to success, clean your mind with ho'oponopono, a traditional Hawaiian healing technique that can assist you in reaching your goals.

If you haven't already heard of this potent spiritual healing method, this article will explain what it is and how you can use it to improve your life in all areas.

It's surprisingly easy to use and benefit from, so sit back and prepare to learn something amazing!

What is Ho'oponopono?

ho'oponoponoAs already mentioned, it is an age-old method of mental cleaning that results in the healing of many aspects of life that may be suffering through bad emotional assemblage.

It was traditionally used to heal relationships within families and make right any wrongs that had occurred that may be causing disharmony within the family group or larger social construct. In ancient Hawaii, the ritual would be performed by a Kahuna, or healer to rid the people involved of the unharmonious energy that surrounded the group.

At its core is a simple, four-part mantra that the user repeats a number of times while occupying a quiet place and in a relaxed state. While repeating the mantra, focus on the recipient of the healing, whether it is a third party or yourself.

There needs to be no other special consideration during the process, which is why it is so simple to perform.

What is the Ho'oponopono Mantra?

The actual four-phrase mantra spoken during the performing of the ritual is outlined below:

That's it! I told you it was pretty simple, didn't I.

The only mental work you need to do while repeating the phrases is to keep your mind clear of any other thoughts. All the while you should be focusing on yourself (if it is you receiving the healing) or the person/patient in receipt of the healing.

However, it is important to know that all cleaning is actually done to yourself. This is because the assumption is that as we are all connected spiritually, all problems are yours to heal and once healed, the recipient is also healed.

How Does Ho'oponopono Work?

This process has the effect of getting deeply into the subconscious part of the mind to direct the release of long-held or deeply buried bad or traumatic emotional memories.

The constant repetition of the phrases brings about a deep feeling of relaxation and inner calmness. At the same time, each phrase has its separate and collective effect on the subconscious to clean the mind of unwanted negative emotional data.

Here is how each phrase acts upon the subconscious to bring about the desired effect:

By repeating "I love you" the subconscious receives affirmation that you are expressing self love, or love for yourself. Self love is the most important thing in life because the essence of your very nature is love.

The next part is where you repeat, "I'm sorry, please forgive me," and accept responsibility for the problem, express your regret and ask for forgiveness of yourself. This may sound incorrect, but since all work is being done internally to yourself, all requests and affirmations are similarly directed inwardly at yourself.

The last phrase, "thank you," expresses gratitude for accepting the process, allowing it to work through the problem(s) and result in receiving healing.

Why Does Ho'oponopono Work?

Delving into the actual reasons why this process works can be a harder task for most people, although it helps to have some understanding of what is going on beneath the surface.

It is necessary to know and be comfortable with believing that your words have a power that many are not aware of. Words are formations of sounds that vibrate at certain frequencies.

Each frequency of energy has a causative effect on the human body and mind. That's because we are nothing more than energy in a physical form and our mental faculties are also energy forms.

The energy contained in each phrase has a separate and cumulative effect on the mind and body that has positive, motivational effects. The phrases harmonise the mind and memory faculty with the positive, leaving no room for negative energy, which is released back into the ether to remain in its original state or transform into something else.

Remember, energy cannot be destroyed, it can only be changed or moved.

Therefore, the originating negative energy occupying the recipient's mind and causing them problems is displaced by the new positive energy contained in and being repeated in the four-phrase mantra.

This is a fairly simplistic explanation, but as far as we still do not fully understand what the mind and consciousness is, it is about the best that I can offer.


Although ho'oponopono method is outwardly simple to perform, there is much more going on inside that you may not be aware of.

The simple directives that you repeat to yourself are accepted and acted upon subconsciously, so that most of the work is performed internally, as it should be. The modern incarnation of this practice can be used for any purpose where negative energy is causing problems between people or to inhibit a person's ability to grow.

The mantra can be repeated as many times as you feel comfortable with, although in this case, more is better. Try it for yourself and see how it positively affects your life!


Ho'oponopono Prayer Meditation

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